The Miracle Project

Olivia's Story of Joy Through Disability with Tina Bedwell

Lindsay Murphy Season 1 Episode 6

If you have ever been blessed with the opportunity to meet Olivia, you can feel the gravity of her disability be completely outweighed by the joy she brings to the moment you are in. Olivia has been shown such love from her parents, Tina and Jeff, her siblings, Victoria, Preston, Abby Grace, and Samantha, her little niece and nephew, and other very special people in her life, that her ability to love in a random moment is beyond brings such joy! This word, "joy" is not just being randomly chosen, but was actually prophesied over her when her mother was only weeks pregnant, and no one knew. God wanted Tina to know from the very beginnings of her pregnancy that He was holding Olivia in the palm of His hand, and had great things for her life and the lives of the people around her. The number of medical diagnoses she's received, surgeries she's had, side effects she's had to's more than any child should have to bear. But the Lord gave Olivia and her family the tools they would need to face them. Whether it was Olivia's innate determination or a miraculous medication and/or medical device that became available at just the right time, God has gently-loved and guided their family through so much. Now, at 21, Olivia's life is continuing to bring joy to those around her through a fun opportunity her mother is organizing for the adults with special needs in Huntsville. I pray you are blessed by Olivia's story!