The Miracle Project
The Miracle Project
A Miraculous Encounter with God with Laura Beth Barnes
In this episode, Laura Beth Barnes tells of a divine encounter with God while on a mission trip in Poland. In this story, she describes how He unexpectedly and miraculously spoke to her, what He conveyed to her, and how it changed her forever. Since her encounter, she feels more peace, more endurance, and more understanding of His will for her life. Materials of this world no longer hold a stake in her heart, and she even has little to no desire for more food than her body requires, resulting in losing almost 20 pounds within weeks of the encounter. She doesn't give us these details to boast; rather, she gives us these details to explain just how perfect and fulfilling His presence is, and how it radically changed her. She describes that every day she yearns for that closeness, and can't wait to experience His presence fully in eternity someday. If you are struggling with how to seek connection with God, how to find peace in the midst of the loss of a loved one, or are unsure of the fulfillment we will have in the life with Christ after we pass away from this earth, then I highly recommend you hear of this miracle that Laura Beth has to share.